Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Saving You

I have talked about how music can get you through just about anything and in my last blog posted I talked about how this past week has been really tough. As I was listening to the playlist on Spotifiy called TWLOHA I heard a song that, today got me through. It made the thoughts of wanting to self harm disappear. A lot of times I want to escape this paralyzing world that I walk on everyday. You feel like no one knows what its like to be buried in this whole. Sometimes you feel everything at once and others you feel nothing at all. Today was one of those days where I felt nothing at all, but then I hit a wall where I then felt everything all at once. If there is another thing I have learned this week its that medicine is not a magic fix. It doesn't heal you, it doesn't cure you. I will always struggle with major Depression and Bipolar Disorder and I hate that I will have to deal with the mood swings the rest of my life. It is frustrating that I cant explain why I am sad most days and its hard that I can't explain why I am happy one day and so low the next, but I have to use the coping skills that I have learned, use the tools given to me, and fight. You have to fight everyday and it hurts and its hard, and most of the day I am exhausted. I want to crawl in bed and sleep for days, but its not an option. Living is the only option and in order to do that you just have to keep going. You can not stop. As hard as it gets and if you think you can't make it... I am here to tell you can, because if I can make it anyone can. I didn't always think that, but I do now. You can do it. On of the most important people in my life always told me when I would want to give up, "You can do hard things." So can you. Everyone can do hard things as long as you put in the work.

Anyway, here are the lyrics to the song. It's called "Saving You" by Chris Granim

Sit back You're not so different 
Drop the gun Don't hurt anyone 
I know the pain inside 
Just look into my eyes 
Cry It's just you and I
We've gone through everything And everything's alright 
Look into my eyes 
Don't say goodbye 
I'll be your friend 
Turn the lights off Baby think again
Don't say goodbye I'll be your friend 
I'll keep on saving you Over and over again 
Tonight we'll change your life 
And tonight I'll be here my friend 
I'll keep on saving you Over and over again 
Tonight we'll change your life 
And tonight I'll be here my friend
I'll keep on saving you Over and over again 
Sit back You're not so different 
Drop the gun Don't hurt anyone 
I know the pain inside 
Just look into my eyes 
Cry It's just you and I
We've gone through everything And everything's alright
Look into my eyes 
Don't say goodbye
I'll be your friend 
Turn the lights off Baby think again
Don't say goodbye 
I'll be your friend
I'll keep on saving you Over and over again 
You've got nothing to die for So live it up.
You've got nothing to cry forget it all.
Tonight we'll change your life 
And tonight I'll be here my friend
I'll keep on saving you Over and over again 



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