Saturday, August 30, 2014

You Can Make it to the Sunrise

As World Suicide Prevention day come closer and closer I realize just how big of a problem mental illness is. This past week I had the unfortunate opportunity to call 911 on one of my dear friends. She has had a long struggle with alcohol, but when I got a call from her telling me she had taken some Lortabs in addition to her drinking I didn't really have a choice. She kept telling me how depressed she was and how no one understood. I knew where this was going as soon as she said those words to me and because of that I was faced with a really hard decision weather to let her slowly kill herself or call 911.

I know that suicide can sometime seem like the only answer and maybe like no one understands, but I promise you someone understands. I can promise you that because I understand. I have felt that way so many times. I myself have attempted suicide twice. I get it. I understand. I have felt what you are maybe feeling right now and I can promise you, someone will miss you. So I ask you to put down the blade, put down the pill bottle, put down the alcohol, you can make it to the sunrise, I know you can.

A few weeks ago I made the decision to show off my scars for the world to see. These scars are not to be beautified or to look like some sort of trend. They are a representation of a time where I felt alone and broken. These scars represent a time in my life where I didn't care about anything but when the next time I was gonna cut was. I hurt many people in the process. Since entering recovery it been a roller coaster and there are hard days and hard nights, but it all makes it worth it because this next monday I can say I am 17 weeks clean of self harm. I can't explain how freeing it is to say that.

I know that its so so very hard to stop or to speak up and ask for help, but please do. you will become such a stronger person because of it.

Baby Steps my Dear,


1 comment:

  1. I think that the thing I love most about this post (and, of course, I love lots of things about this post) is the title: You Can Make it to the Sunrise. Everyone can make it if they take life one day at a day, one moment of the day. And once you see the sunrise the whole day seems brighter and more full of hope. You can make it to the sunrise.
