Friday, October 3, 2014

Keep Fighting

Recovery is a constant process of fighting and a lot of times I get really tired and I just want to give up, but that is not an option. In order to win this battle its so important to keep going. To press on and not stop. Sometimes it seems like waking up is hard maybe even breathing seems like too much, but you have to keep fighting. You have to keep going. I know it seems like there is no end to the pain of recovery, but if there is one thing I will say is that there will come a day where you will wake up and you'll be ok. and It may not be for a long time, weeks, months, maybe even years, but there will come a time where you will be ok. You may never be the happiest person in the world, but you also wont be miserable. The storm will pass, it always does. 

Just take baby steps my dear,

with much love,


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